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Epping Dentist

What Do You Need for Gum Prevention?

Gum disease or periodontal disease is caused by the presence of bacteria in the plaque that forms between the teeth and gums. If this plaque is not treated it forms tartar and causes gum disease. The pumice becomes red and swollen causing gum disease. This inflammation worsens the structure of the pelvis and supporting bones. Teeth can become loose and gums fall out. Consult with your Epping Dentist for more details for preventing gums.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is generally known as the infection around the gum. It is one of the main causes of tooth loss and is a very common dental problem. Most of the adults in India suffer from gum disease. There are two main stages of gum disease - gingivitis and pyrrhotites. Gum diseases can be easily prevented by proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist.

Causes of periodontal disease

Our mouth is full of bacteria that make sticky and colourless substances on the teeth with saliva. This is known as plaque. Proper brushing and flossing can help remove plaque. But, if proper oral hygiene is not maintained, it hardens and forms a tartar that cannot be removed by brushing. The person needs to go to the dentist to have the tartar removed. And if not removed it leads to gum disease.

There are many risk factors that cause gum disease and smoking is the most important factor in gum disease. It also disrupts the gum disease treatment line. Other factors like diabetes, endocrine changes in women, certain drugs, diseases like AIDS, genetic susceptibility etc. also cause gum disease.

Symptoms of gum disease
  • Red, tender or swollen pumice.
  • Bleeding gums when brushing.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Change in a bite.
  • Pus Discharge from gum.
  • Pain when chewing food.
  • Sensitivity in teeth.
  • Bad breath means foul smelling.
Diagnosis of gum disease
  • The dentist examines the gums thoroughly and finds no signs of inflammation.
  • Be probes are used to check and measure the pockets around the teeth.
  • A proper medical history of the patient's patient is taken and risk factors are identified which may be the cause of gum diseases.
  • X-rays can be taken to detect bone loss.
  • Treatment of gum disease begins with infection control and depends on the severity of the disease.
  • Scaling and root planning are done to remove all the tartar present on the teeth.
  • Oral patient is instructed to maintain proper oral hygiene.
  • Inflammation The dentist may prescribe antibiotics and antiseptic mouthwash to reduce inflammation.
  • In severe cases, flap surgery or bone and tissue grafting surgical procedures are performed.
Preventive measures

Prevention of gum disease is very simple and it helps to avoid treatment of periodontal disease. If detected at an early stage, it protects the teeth and gums from further damage that can sometimes lead to serious conditions.

Treatment of gum disease can be a bit expensive and therefore, it is better to prevent gum disease than to spend money for treatment. There is no pain and therefore, the onset of the disease goes unnoticed. Gum reduction is very common in India and can be easily treated. Listed below are some precautions that can help prevent gum diseases.

1. Proper brushing
A colourless and thin film forms in the mouth called a plaque. This fillet can be easily removed by proper brushing. Brushing helps to remove plaque and food debris stuck in the teeth. It is recommended to brush your teeth twice a day, including brushing the tongue which is the preferred place of bacteria.

2. Floss
Some food particles get stuck between the teeth and cannot be easily removed by brushing. Therefore, it is important to floss the teeth at least once a day to help remove plaque and debris. It also helps keep the gum line clean.

3. Use of mouthwash
Mouthwash also helps to reduce plaque formation and prevents any debris from accumulating on the tooth surface. This helps remove what is left after brushing and flossing.

Risk factors to consider

It is important to consider the risk factors at the dental Epping that increase the likelihood of periodontal disease. Factors such as age, diet, smoking, diabetes and heredity are the main risk factors that can cause periodontal disease. The patient should consult an Epping dentist and discuss risk factors and their treatment plan. Smoking and chewing tobacco should be avoided.

Regular check-ups

It is very important to get regular checkups from the best dentists in India. The dentist can thoroughly examine the oral cavity and identify the initial symptoms, if any. Early detection of this disease is the key to gum protection. It is recommended that a person visit the dentist Epping at least twice a year.

Proper care of the mouth is important for long-term maintenance of the mouth. Most adults lose their teeth due to gum disease. Periodontal disease can be easily treated by prevention checkups at the Dental Epping, Contact now!.

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